Join Us.

Protect your energy.

 🍋Turning online lemons into lemonade irl.🥤

Take the Pledge.

OUR GOAL: A supportive, respectful, happier world, online and IRL.

Do The Work to create equality and safety for all.

Sign our pledge today and protect you, too.

Pledge to fund the good stuff.

Add your name to our pledge and share you public (or private commitment) to put your energy to better use.

I, [Name], pledge to stop giving my energy and time to bullies online. Instead, I will focus on giving back and making a difference.

  1. I will be an example of how to disagree while protecting myself.

  2. I will engage in respectful* dialogue. *Respectful means any way that respects my own personal sovereignty, mental health, and online safety. If that’s an FU, so be it.

  3. I will educate those engaging in hate speech or disrespectful comments with links to resources, not more of my free labor.

  4. I will not spend time going back and forth before blocking or disengaging, and reporting harassment, unless I feel it is productive for myself and others.

  5. I will ask for help with reporting if it is draining, harmful or ineffective.

  6. For my own well being, following up via DMs are at my discretion.

    And most importantly…I will donate, not hate.

  7. I will donate a $1.00 or more in honor of the person attempting to tear me or others down. I can give directly with Rage2Rainbows or any oganization I choose.